Celebrate Safe

Celebrate Safe

There’s nothing better than losing yourself in the music, dancing under the bright sun, being part of a vibrant crowd of festival lovers, flirting with amazing people, and having the time of your life with your friends. But you know what’s even better? Making it home safe and healthy after all the fun.

Yes, partying is awesome, but it’s never completely without risk. That’s why it’s important to be aware of potential dangers. Find tips and information for a more conscious and safe party experience at celebrate-safe.de.

Celebrate Safe

More info

  • In emergencies, dial 110! Police station and Red Cross (DRK) tent are available on site!

    1. Stay Informed
      Get the latest updates via push notifications from the app and on NATURE ONE’s social media channels.
    2. Seek Shelter
      • Get into your vehicles, these offer the best protection
      • Pick up other visitors
      • Do not stand under trees
      • Take up a crouching position in open areas
      Festival Ground:
      • Seek shelter in a tent (e.g., Century Circus, HomeBase) or a bunker.
      • Temporary closure of all open-air stages may occur for safety reasons.

Important Information for Arrival and Departure

Expect numerous vehicle checks during arrival and departure! While we want you to have an amazing time at NATURE ONE, there’s one thing we care deeply about: No drinking or drug use when driving!

Driving under the influence puts your life and the lives of others at serious risk. Think about the unimaginable harm you could cause to yourself and others in the event of an accident. So, the rule is simple: If you drive, stay sober and drug-free.

You’re welcome to stay at the campsite until you’re rested, fit, and sober—even until Monday at 6 PM if you need to!


Duration, Intensity, and Detection Times

  • The blood alcohol content depends on the amount of alcohol, body weight, and gender. After just 3 beers (0.3 liters each), you may already exceed the 0.5‰ limit within 24 hours.

    Degradation with a maximum of 0.1 per mille/hr.

  • Duration of effect: Up to 8 hours or longer

    Detection period: In urine up to 3 months, in blood up to 4 weeks

  • Ecstasy (MDMA)

    Duration of effects: Up to 8 hours or longer
    Detection period:

    • Urine: 3 – 4 days
    • Blood: Up to 24 hours

    Speed (Amphetamines)

    Duration of effects: Up to 8 – 12 hours or longer
    Methamphetamine: Up to 30 hours
    Detection period:

    • Urine: 3 – 4 days
    • Blood: 2 – 4 days


    Duration of effects: Up to 2 hours or longer
    Detection period:

    • Urine: Up to 4 days
    • Blood: Up to 48 hours


    Duration of effects: Up to 12 hours or longer
    Detection period:

    • Urine: Up to 4 days
    • Blood: Up to 12 hours

* All information is provided as approximate guidelines

Legal consequences

  • 0.0 - 0.49 per mille for novice drivers (probationary period) & under 21-year-olds

    • Fine of 250 EUR and 1 point
    • Probationary period extended to 4 years and mandatory advanced driver training (at the driver's expense)

    0.0 – 0.49 per mille

    • Further driving can be prohibited
    • Criminal offense if signs of impaired driving or an accident occur

    0.5 – 1.09 per mille

    • Fine from 500 EUR to 1,500 EUR
    • 1-3 months driving ban and 2 points

    From 1.1 per mille

    • Criminal charges with possible imprisonment of up to 5 years or a fine
    • License suspension for 6 months to 5 years, or indefinitely
    • 3 points and possibly a medical-psychological assessment (MPU)

  • If a test for illegal drugs is positive

    • Blood test ordered; further sanctions after a positive blood test
    • Fine from 500 EUR to 1,500 EUR
    • 1-3 months driving ban and 2 points
    • Driver licensing authority informed, possible order of drug screenings to prove drug-free status, and possible MPU order (also applies to point c.)
    • Criminal charges for violations of the Narcotics Act

  • If signs of impaired driving or an accident are present, it constitutes a criminal offense

    • 3 points and a fine or imprisonment up to 5 years
    • License withdrawal: 6 months to 5 years suspension or indefinitely
    • In case of a traffic accident with personal injury, possible charges of negligent bodily harm
    • Compensation and pain and suffering damages, possible pension for the victim